Inter-library Loan

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Inter-Library Loan work?

What materials can be obtained through the inter-library loan program?  New options are coming our way!  

  • These include books that are NOT available through the Onalaska Public Library. Audio materials are loaned on a case-by-case basis and are subject to the discretion of the lending library. A $3.00 mailing fee applies for each item when it is borrowed.

Who is eligible to use the ILL service?

  • Anyone with a valid library card and who is in good standing for at least 90 days can use this service.  All patrons are required to provide current personal contact information.

Where can I find interlibrary loan request forms?

  • Patrons may ask the Library Director to request an item.  We do not have forms to complete. 

How long does it take to get a book?

  • Search times on books can vary from several days to several weeks, depending on how rare the book is and if a nearby library has a copy of the book.

How long can I keep a book?

  • Borrowing times are set by the lending library and loan times vary.

Can I recheck an ILL book?

  • Renewals are given at the discretion of the lending library. They are not automatic. You must submit a request for a renewal at least five business days before the book is due. To request a renewal, call the Library Director.

What materials are available through interlibrary loans?

  • Fiction books 
  • Series Titles
  • Non-fiction books 
  • Children's books
  • Hard to find books
  • Current best sellers
  • Please note:  Newly released items are almost never available. 

What information is needed to request an item?

  • Either the author or the title must be known before it can be requested. Other helpful information includes a description of the subject or similar words. Please indicate whether it is fiction or non-fiction. If the book has an editor instead of an author, please have this information available.